
Skin care during pregnancy

from Wed, 28 Apr 2021 to Thu, 17 Feb 2022
All Day

by healthypregnancy
Posted: almost 3 years ago
Updated: almost 3 years ago by
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Time zone: Sofia
Reminder: None
Ends: 11:59pm Thursday 17 February 2022 (duration is 10 months)

A wellness program for your face

The texture of your facial skin can change as a result of pregnancy. Some women get noticeably drier skin – with others, the skin becomes oily than before, and skin blemishes may also show up .

Especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnancy acne can develop due to hormonal changes. In both cases, you should treat your facial skin to a regular wellness program. Thorough cleaning creates the basis for this. Mild, soap-free washing lotions or cleansing gels are ideal for all skin types.

For dry skin, skin care creams and make-up should contain both moisture and fat – oil-free products cause the skin to swell and thereby remove even more moisture. Oily skin, on the other hand, needs care that contains a lot of moisture, but no fat or oil.

You should treat your face to particularly intensive care once a week. Peeling masks remove dead skin cells and skin impurities. Moisturizing masks act like an intensive treatment.

For pimples and pregnancy acne, you might want to try a yeast mask. Yeast contains numerous vitamins, folic and pantothenic acid as well as biotin. To do this, crumble a cube of fresh baker’s yeast in lukewarm milk, stir both into a spreadable paste that is applied thickly to the previously well-cleaned facial skin and should work there for 15 to 20 minutes.

If necessary, you can also mix a teaspoon of chamomile flowers into this mask – chamomile has a skin-tightening and anti-inflammatory effect.
Pregnancy care for the breast
Another side effect of your pregnancy is that you will soon have a larger cleavage. Your breasts will already grow significantly in the first few weeks of pregnancy; shortly before the birth, the weight of each breast can increase by up to 400 grams. However, this also puts a strain on the skin – skin care during pregnancy should therefore always focus on the bosom.

Gentle massages with mild massage oils have a relaxing effect and keep the skin of the breasts and décolleté elastic. Cold and warm alternating showers, daily rubs with a damp washcloth or gentle brush massages also have a skin tightening effect – preferably with a soft baby brush.

Especially with premature labor, it is important not to use nipple stimulation, as this can increase the labor force. Therefore, make sure to leave out the nipples during the massage.

After a massage or water treatment, you should apply a skin-firming and moisturizing cream or lotion to your breasts.

A well-fitting bra is a must during pregnancy to support the stressed connective tissue.

The stomach needs very special care

اعراض الحمل

Naturally, your stomach needs special care during pregnancy. By the time you are born, your belly is around 100 centimeters in circumference at navel height. The skin of the abdomen is greatly stretched during pregnancy. This often results in annoying tension or itching.

Some women develop more or less pronounced stretch marks  . These are cracks in the elastin and collagen tissue. They are dark purple in color during pregnancy. After birth, they fade but do not go away completely.

Usually they cannot be completely prevented, but good care is important for prevention. Treat your stomach twice a day to a circular massage with a massage glove and then apply a rich lotion or body oil to it.

Plucking massages that stimulate blood circulation are particularly effective against stretch marks: To do this, take the creamed or oiled skin gently between your thumb and forefinger, roll and knead it and then spread it out again.

Doctors and midwives  recommend starting the plucking massages as early as the 13th week of pregnancy . Aloe vera oil is a proven remedy for tension and itching.

If possible, you should avoid foam baths during pregnancy, as they remove the urgently needed moisture from the skin.

The pigmentation of your skin changes during pregnancy

The pigmentation of your skin almost always changes during pregnancy. The effect of the hormones is responsible for this. Nipples, areolas and also moles and moles become darker.

From the third month of pregnancy onwards  , slight pigment discoloration can appear on the face – the trigger for this is the pregnancy-related increase in melanin-stimulating hormone (MSH), which stimulates the formation of skin pigments.

Incidentally, the fact that the areolas become darker is not a freak of nature, but rather helps the baby to find the nipple better when breastfeeding.

The linea nigra is almost always visible on the stomach – a vertical dark line that extends from the navel to the pubic bone. These pigment changes recede very quickly and completely after birth.

If you are bothered by the pigment spots on your face, you can hide them very well with an appropriate make-up.

A sun cream that has a sun protection factor of at least 20 is good, and it would be optimal to avoid the sun as much as possible.

What not to use for skin care during pregnancy

In terms of the skin care products you use during pregnancy, it is a good idea to try what is good for you. Perhaps you can also seek advice from a professional beautician. However, caution is advised with some remedies.

For example, essential oils for skin care during pregnancy should not be used on your own – the essential oils of ginger, bay leaf, verbena, cinnamon, juniper and a few other plants can induce labor or be harmful to your baby during pregnancy.

Medically effective skin care products should be prescribed by a doctor for the same reason.

Alcohol-containing substances and cosmetic products with strong chemical agents, such as bleaching creams to prevent skin discoloration and some ointments against acne, are also taboo during pregnancy for external use. Creams with the active ingredient vitamin A should also not be used.

It is ideal if you use natural cosmetics for skin care during pregnancy. Your midwife and doctor will be happy to advise you on special active ingredients and products. You can also  find suitable products in our online shop .


Your skin needs special care during pregnancy. The baby’s growth and hormonal changes put a lot of strain on her.
Careful cleaning and high-quality care products ensure elastic, healthy skin with a good blood supply.
Rich creams, body oils and regular massages – especially plucking massages – prevent pregnancy stiffness to a certain extent.
Hormonal pigment changes are normal during pregnancy, but after birth they go away very quickly on their own.